Harvest Time and Sour Grapes
Then He said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out...

Of Tragedy and Triumph
It’s easy to trust when there is nothing much at stake. It’s easy to say that you trust God to take care of you when the pantry is full...

Super Sales and Discounted Hearts
I LOVE a good sale! But if finding good deals became an Olympic event, my husband would be a gold medalist in every category. He really...

What Do You See?
It has been said a picture is worth a thousand words. This one is worth at least that, and a thousand smiles and a thousand tears to...

Just the Facts Ma'am (Or Addressing the Elephant in the Room)
Most people here in North Carolina know that there is an opioid epidemic in our nation and it is particularly bad in our state, with a...

A Pilot, A Nurse or a Superhero
When you ask a child, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Among “A fireman, a nurse, an astronaut or a pilot.” I have NEVER...
Your Scars Tell a Story... What Do They Say?
Damaged Goods When I was 11 or 12, I was riding my bike with a friend when her dog ran in front of me and hit my front tire. I went...

Translating Love
I have a dear friend that was orphaned in Romania as a child. He was 5 years old when he was adopted by a loving family and brought to...
Go Into All The World... (even the world right outside your door)
Last night was like most Monday nights, a night of love and miracles... It is amazing when I get to witness healing and freedom and...
The Impact of a Life of Love
"Theres never been a time when You've ever failed me, theres never been a time when You've let me down. You are faithful, Jesus, You are...