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Acts 1:7:8 And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”


We are called  to the hurting and the brokenhearted, called to reach out with the heart of the Father, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, in creative ways - to restore hope to the hopeless, wherever He may send us...

Sally Randall •  re4Him Founder/Director

Sally's heart is to see our city, our nation and our world changed one heart at a time by the love of Jesus, by loving people where they are, just like He did. She leads our street ministry and outreach ministry teams and is passionate about seeing people experience true freedom in Christ. An ordained minister, she team teaches our Free INDEED workshops and conferences. She co-authored the book Free INDEED.  She is also a part of our prayer ministry team. She is currently working on her chaplaincy training to help further our work to bring the hope of Jesus in the midst of disasters.

Julie Jacks, PhD • re4Him Leadership, Free INDEED

Julie team teaches our Free INDEED class and co-authored the Free INDEED book that accompanies the workshops and conferences.  She is part of our prayer ministry team that ministers at drug and alcohol rehab facilities as well as personal prayer ministry times for individuals.

Steve Jacks • re4Him Leadership, Free INDEED

Steve is an ordained minister and chaplain that team teaches our Free INDEED class.  He is part of our prayer ministry team that ministers at drug and alcohol rehab facilities as well as personal prayer ministry times for individuals.  He also leads street ministry teams and will be vital to our team as we expand into disaster relief.


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