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In the summer of 2012, a group of friends did their favorite thing... went out to the streets of Greensboro, NC to pray and tell others about the incredible love of God.  Two of the friends went out one Monday night to go pray for a new friend that had called and asked for prayer.  They met her on the corner of Greene and Washington Street, (in front of the Courthouse).  After they had prayed, a man walked up to tell this new friend how he had just gotten a job.  They asked if they could pray for him as he started this new venture.  After they prayed for him, he asked if they would come to pray for his friends.  They crossed the street to meet his friends who were all sleeping in the bus stop shelter.  After they prayed, the men told them how they did not have a place to eat on Monday nights.  They went and got them a meal and suggested that the following week they would make food and bring it and they could all have a picnic.  The park area in front of the Courthouse became their "dining room" and they would invite others to join.  Through the heat, cold, wind, and snow, our "dining room" has served a meal every Monday night since and has stretched from a meal for 6 to reach up to 200 during the warmer months.  Everyone is welcome.  It is a place to have a good meal, but so much more.  It is a place of family, friendship, love, and prayer.  Come join us!






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