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No matter where you are in your journey with Christ, you can INDEED enjoy more freedom and efficacy than ever before. Free INDEED: A Field Manual and workshop is for people who want to experience greater freedom, health, and wholeness in their walk with God. It is for those who aren’t content just hearing the truth but who want to live the truth in their everyday lives because it really is for freedom that Christ has set us free (Galatians 5:1).
Free I.N.D.E.E.D.:
INDEED: I= Identify the issue
INDEED: N = Need Jesus (understanding our need for Him)
INDEED: D = Disagree with the lie or ungodly belief
INDEED: E = Evict the enemy
INDEED: E = Exalt the Lord
INDEED: D = Declare the truth
©2017, Free INDEED, Julie Jacks, Sally Randall
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